Friday, December 27, 2019

Patients Health Of Medical Marijuana - 1733 Words

Patients’ Health Utilizing Medical Marijuana Karen Mak Rutgers University Introduction to Research Methods, Fall 2016 Abstract The following study proposal would review the results of the overall health outcomes of patients who replaced pharmaceutical treatment with medical marijuana. The study will look at the improvements in meal consumption, Clinical Global Impression scores, Pittsburgh Agitation Scale, and the decrease in the symptom being monitored. The studies being reviewed research many conditions ranging from Alzheimer disease, dementia patients, dystonia, dyskinesias, and tics, and pain management. Many studies indicate that the results may vary, and the extent of its beneficial properties should be determined by the patients’ physician. It is hypothesized that the patients that are replacing pharmaceutical treatment with medical treatment will present positive results. One of the most popular treatments for medical problems is the prescription of pharmaceutical drugs. Many doctors prescribe this drug without considering natural or holistic remedies. There are many alternative solutions for many conditions, like diet, exercise, or therapy, yet doctors are still quick to write out a prescription for pharmaceutical drugs for their patients. Pharmaceutical drugs can be very dangerous and extremely harmful in any dosing or potency. Many doctors over prescribe this drug, leading to addiction and even toxicity. One very popularShow MoreRelatedMedical Marijuana Essay969 Words   |  4 Pages[Medicinal Marijuana] [Heather Bryant] Communication and compostition (COM156) University of Phoenix, Axia College [October 20, 2012] Medicinal Marijuana use in the United States Although many individuals find medical marijuana illegal, and unnecessary, it is a natural herb used to help symptoms caused by chronic illnesses. Over three million Americans use medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is the most widely used drug used to treat chronic illnesses in seventeenRead More Medical Marijuana: A Safe and Effective Alternative Medication1723 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans throughout the United States. The patient with MS who cannot control the spasms created by their disease, the rheumatoid arthritis patient with pain so severe they cannot rest and nothing seems to be easing the pain. Then there is the AIDS patient who cannot eat, as they are so nauseated from the HIV medications that they are taking; these patients have just some of the disease scenarios that medicinal marijuana can help. Many people have long used marijuana for both medicinal and other purposesRead MoreMarijuana Should Not Be Banned Marijuana1282 Words   |  6 PagesCannabis, also known as marijuana, is largely known for its use as a psychoactive drug and medicine. It’s become a controversial issue as many people are against legalizing it because they believe it is a gateway drug (a drug that isn’t necessarily addictive, but can lead the user to use more addictive drugs) or for other reasons. Others, such as Daniel J. Pfeifer, support the legalization of marijuana for recreational and/or medicinal use. As a law student, Pfeifer argues the federal government’sRead MoreThe Issue Of Medical Marijuana1270 Words   |  6 Pagesdebate the topic of medical marijuana. Some people support the legalization of medical marijuana, while others oppose it. The rhetors in this discourse community come from a variety of places and backgrounds. In the medical profession, both the American Academy of Neurology and the American Lung Association speak out about medical marijuana. On the federal level, the White House and the U.S Federal Drug Administration consid er the impact of medical marijuana. Medical marijuana also sparks interestRead MoreEssay on Medical Marijuana Policy1310 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In the United States, marijuana for medical purposes has gained more prevalence in current political discourse than in previous years. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a flowering plant that originally came from South and Central Asia. For centuries, the cannabis plant has been used for many natural products such as seed oils, seed, fiber that is used to make hemp products and contains over four hundred chemicals, some of which have an antibiotic like effect (NordqvistRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal1651 Words   |  7 Pagesmost commonly referred to as marijuana. Medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis and its cannabinoids to treat disease or improve symptoms ( Cannabis contains two active ingredients inside called cannabinoids (CBD) along with the delta-g-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The medicinal and psychoactive effects that personally associate with marijuana are caused by unique structures of cannabinoids. In addition, the major ps ychoactive ingredient in marijuana is THC, which additionallyRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?1551 Words   |  7 PagesLegalization of Medical Marijuana Marijuana is not like other helpful drugs that have amazing medical benefits. It is not made available to thousands of patients that could gain quality of live from it. Many Americans are forced to use second rate drugs to help them deal with conditions such as nausea, glaucoma, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis. Why does the â€Å"world’s best health care system† use drugs that are not as effective as marijuana, but have more side effects? The United StatesRead MoreThe Use of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes Essay966 Words   |  4 PagesThe use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has long been at the centre of much controversy. Some studies have shown results that the benefits of using marijuana for medicinal reasons far outweigh the negative health matters that may be associated with its use, and therefore should be an accepted method of treatment for some patients who are suffering with illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS, and eating disorders (Okie, 2005). Still, other studies have proven that there is not enoughRead MoreMedical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana1255 Words   |  6 PagesMedical marijuana has been proven to an effective drug in the treatment of a number of encumbering medical conditions. A large number of legitimate medical organizations recognize the benefits of marijuana. It is far less harmful and poses fewer negative side effects than many prescription drugs, including painkillers - and patients often find it to be a more effective treatment for a variety of illnesses. However, it is perhaps the most commonly misunderstood substance in America. The usage of theRead MoreLegalization of Medical Marijuana Essay863 Words   |  4 PagesMedical Marijuana: A Topic Leaving People Up in Smoke Renee Grant ENC 1101-1002 Professor Bahle March 30, 2013 Medical Marijuana: A Topic Leaving People Up in Smoke Medical marijuana has been an ongoing fight between the federal government, physicians and patients. Contrary to many beliefs, marijuana, whether it is used for medical reasons or recreational is non-lethal. It has been proven to be useful in many medical conditions. There has

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Supernatural in Marlowes Doctor Faustus - 2294 Words

ï ¿ ½PAGE ï ¿ ½ THE SUPERNATURAL IN MARLOWES_DOCTOR FAUSTUS_ ï ¿ ½ The Renaissance marked a turning point in history. In this period, Humanism motivated the study of subjects related to man and society, since man, as an individual, had become the centre of interest, leaving theology and religious devotion relatively aside. Therefore, as scholars recognized mans worth and value, some people started to seek further satisfaction in Earth and -partially- stopped longing for Heaven. The highest aspirations were truth and knowledge. The spirit of the time was one of intellectual freedom and defiance; men no longer feared death and even tried to establish direct contact with the afterlife in order to achieve wisdom and power. This thirst for knowledge†¦show more content†¦Then, by order of Charles V, Faustus releases him from the horns. When Faustus and Mephostophillis are on their way back home, a horse-courser offers Faustus forty pounds for his horse. Faustus accepts but, as the horse is a product of magic, he warns him not to ride on water or else it would vanish. The horse-courser wants to know the unrevealed qualities of his new horse and rides in deep water. The horse vanishes and he almost drowns. Filled with anger, the horse-courser goes to Faustus house to have his forty pounds back. He hits Faustus while he is sleeping and, in order not to be punished, the horse-courser says he would give forty pounds more. After some time, Faustus feels that he needs a woman next to him and the perfect one is Helen of Greece. So Faustus summons a spirit to take the shape of her. An old man appears to Faustus and tells him to repent. Lucifer wants to hurt him but his faith is so great that he cannot touch his soul. As the twenty-four year deal is about to finish, this means that Faustus life is coming to an end. He repents and reveals the source of his knowledge to some scholars but they could do nothing except for praying. As Faustus begs God and the devil for mercy, the devils drag him away. At the end, the Scholar friends find Faustuss body, torn to pieces. The play by Marlowe is one of the many versions of the story based on a real man -Johannes Faustus, a German astrologer of bad reputationShow MoreRelatedEssay on Motivations for Faustuss Rebellion1485 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Faust legend, a man by the name of Faust or Faustus sells his soul to the devil for twenty-four years of ultimate worldly power. Although the tale of this German scholar/ magician called Johann Faust or Faustus has been re-told many times over, no version has become more prominent and controversial in English literature and history than that of Christopher Marlowes play first published eleven years after his death in 1604. Marlowes reworking is possibly the first dramatization of the medievalRead MoreDivergences in History: The Medieval and Renaissance Ages1171 Words   |  5 PagesTying in aspects from the Medieval and Renaissance ages, Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus unifies the Medieval and Renaissance ages into a marvelous theatrical performance. Whe n comparing it to Frugoni’s A Day in a Medieval City, there are evident similarities and differences between the worldviews of these respective eras. A comparison between Doctor Faustus and A Day in a Medieval City brings to light how greatly Europe changed in the span of a few centuries. First, the organization of society is differentRead MoreThe Function Of The Tragic Greek Chorus1295 Words   |  6 Pages(qtd. in Weiner, 205). Aristotle goes on to say that â€Å"[the Chorus] should be a part of the whole enterprise and share in the action† (205). The more the Chorus is integrated into the play, the more it becomes more of a character. Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet as well as his Macbeth’s witches all serve as a tool for play progression and representation of theme; by identifying these points, the Chorus becomes an actor in its own right. In Shakespeare’s Romeo andRead MoreAnalysis of the Actions of Macbeth and Doctor Faustus Based on Free Will and Fate1677 Words   |  7 PagesMany scholars have debated whether the actions of Macbeth and Doctor Faustus in Shakespeare’s and Marlowe’s plays come from the characters themselves or whether they were following a predetermined fate. In the play The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, each character’s destiny, or fate, seems to be predetermined by the supernatural and unpreventable by any actions meant to stop it from occurring. The concept of fate is a large component in many Aristotelian Tragedies, such as MacbethRead More Dr. Faustus Essay - Pride, Insolence and the Fall of Doctor Faustus1949 Words   |  8 PagesPride, Insolence and the Fall of Doctor Faustus  Ã‚   As a highly revered individual - a doctor of theology who is also involved in liberal arts, medicine and law - Doctor Faustus possesses limitless knowledge. Nonetheless, unfortunately the more people know the more curious, thirsty and greedy for knowledge they become. Thus, wanting to know more and therefore, gain supernatural power, Faustus creates his own fall through pride, insolence and child-like behavior - the by-products of the dominatingRead MoreShift from Medieval Scholasticism to Humanism800 Words   |  3 Pages The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries saw a shift away from the traditional methods of medieval scholasticism which focused primarily on preparing men to be doctors, lawyers and priests and instead saw the beginnings of a movement which would become known as Rennaissance Humanism. This new movement was a rejection of the traditional methods, aiming instead to create a citizenry which could read and write with eloquence, and allowing them to participate in civic life - in this we see the originsRead MoreEssay about The Deeper Meaning of Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus1168 Words   |  5 PagesThe Deeper Meaning of Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus  Ã‚   I do not agree with the frequently repeated comment that Doctor Faustus is an anti-intellectualist play that preaches that curiosity is dangerous. It is all too easy to see Faustus as the scholar, seeking knowledge, and his desire for knowledge that leads to his downfall. To confine the play to something so narrow is to ignore the deeper meaning behind the play. I believe that this deeper meaning is more important than the superficialRead MoreCharacter Description: Dr. Faustus801 Words   |  4 PagesFaustus - The protagonist. Faustus is a brilliant sixteenth-century scholar from Wittenberg, Germany, whose ambition for knowledge, wealth, and worldly might makes him willing to pay the ultimate price—his soul—to Lucifer in exchange for supernatural powers. Faustus’s initial tragic grandeur is diminished by the fact that he never seems completely sure of the decision to forfeit his soul and constantly wavers about whether or not to repent. His ambition is admirab le and initially awesome, yet heRead MoreThe Idea Of A Supernatural1323 Words   |  6 Pagesworld?’ That is where religion took its role. To have a reason, or an idea, for the purpose of life, we used the idea of a supernatural being(s) to confirm our purpose. We gather knowledge of religion to establish the idea that we would be able to live closer to the supernatural. Buddhism, although not technically a religion, but a philosophy, is a significant supernatural realm in which people tend to endeavor to reach ultimate meaning and purpose into life. Buddhism’s main focus is to use theRead MoreDoctor Faustus : The Relationship Of Mephastophilis And Faustus1597 Words   |  7 PagesDoctor Faustus: The Relationship of Mephastophilis and Faustus In Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, the tragic protagonist Faustus finds himself tired of his previous pursuits in logic, medicine, law and religion. He falls upon the decision to explore a new and taboo area of knowledge: the black arts. Once he settles on this idea, he begins a relentless endeavor to quench his thirst for higher knowledge, wealth and success through learning supernatural powers. Alas, his admirable ambition and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analysis of Drone Delivery Canada Corp †

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Drone Delivery Canada Corp. Answer: Introduction Drones are the examples of emerging technology. This is called Unmanned aerial vehicle technology or UAV. This is used to increase maneuverability and reduce weight. In the recent year's application of drones has been increasing rapidly (Kim et al. 2018). This technology is applied to rescue people from any dangerous condition. Apart from this drones are used for research, aerial photography, and inspection and keeping security. Skycart is a drone manufacturing company and going to establish a joint venture business with Drone Delivery Canada Corp, which is a Canada based drone manufacturing organization. This study deals with the PESTEL analysis in the context of Canada where Skycart is going to start drone manufacturing business. Literature Review: Theoretical and conceptual perspectives of PESTEL PESTEL refers to political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors in the context of any business. PESTEL analysis highlights the external environment of a business. In order to get an entry in a new market or in a new country, it is crucial for any business organization to make an analysis of each external factor. However, in any country, there is a regulatory restriction, specific economic condition, social condition and technological advancement. Those external factors have a great impact on a business while going to introduce a business in a specific country (Moss et al. 2016). Hence, PESTEL analysis is helpful for an organization to measure the political, social, economic and technological condition of a country that may affect their business. Every business organization looks for a country that is not probed yet. By using PESTEL analysis an organization is able to identify whether the specific country has any potential or not for a profitable business. Effectiveness of a specific market in a particular country can be determined by PESTEL analysis. This analysis enables an organization to take strategic planning and get necessary data that will be favorable for their business. PESTLE analysis is a strategic planning and it is a very cost-effective process. In the context of Skycart PESTLE analysis will be helpful to exploit opportunities in Canadian drone industry by acquiring in-depth information about the market. There are many debates over the PESTEL analysis. As argued by Nevitte (2017), PESTEL analysis has certain limitations as the external factors are changed over the time. On the other hand, PESTEL analysis is carried out based on the assumption. Despite these limitations, PESTEL analysis is a useful strategic approach to identify the current market in a new country. PESTEL as the strategic marketing tool Marketers use the PESTEL as thestrategic marketing tool to reveal the external environment of a country. In order to carry out a foreign investment in a country PESTEL is required to follow (Li and Li 2016). This also helps the marketers to monitor the positive and negative aspect of the political, economic, social, legal and environmental factors. PESTEL is an essential tool of strategic management (Lans 2016). By following this technique the marketers are able to focus on the planning of a business as well as the corporate objectives. By following the PESTEL analysis the marketers are able to understand the way through which they can use their resources in foreign country. In order to assess the core objective of an organization it is crucial for all business to reveal the strategies that are used in an organization. Therefore, it is important to reveal the technological opportunities and the legal situation of a country. By using the PESTEL tool an organization is able to identify what technologies are available in a country. Apart from the technology, which resources are significant for a new business in a foreign country can be analyzed by PESTEL. In order to carry out a business in a foreign country it is crucial for the foreign investors to reveal the impact of external factors on their business. However, the legal obstacle is a big barrier for the foreign investors. They need to understand the rules and regulations of a country while penetrating in this market. Critical external factors have a great impact on corporate strategy. For this reason, it is vital for every business to have a clear idea about the external factors of an organization. PESTEL analysis is not just a tool for measurement it also leads an organization to get competitive advantage in new country as well as in the global market (Kim et al. 2018). PESTEL analysis is considered as the major aspect of strategic management. However, the entire process should be completed within the time by gathering proper data of external market. This tool allows an organization to understand how the political, legal, social, technological and environmental factors impact on a business in a foreign country. However, all these factors do not leave equal effect on a business. It is based on the nature of country. Businesses those are technology-oriented are influenced by technological factors in a country (Arku 2014). Analysis of PESTEL shows an overall impact on the business of an organizatio n. In order to address a new market PESTEL analysis is effective. For foreign investors if the external factors leave a negative impact on their business then it is difficult for them to survive in this market. Hence, PESTEL analysis helps the foreign investors to identify whether their investment in a new market is a smart decision or not. For the drone manufacturers PESTEL analysis is important as it will allow them to reveal the availability of the technological factors in a country as technology has a great impact on drone manufacturing process. Discussion of the PESTEL factors that Skycart needs to be considered while entering into Canadian drone industry Drone manufacturing is a technological innovation. Skycart is going to establish a joint venture with Drone Delivery Canada Corp. In order to start this business, they need to consider political, economic and technological factor during PESTLE analysis of Canada. Political factor Political condition of Canada is stable and it is a democratic country. Canada is ruled by parliament government. Canada government has taken democratic principles in the context of foreign investment ( 2018). The foreign investors need to follow Investment Canada Act while going for a joint venture or invest in Canada. Canada is considered as the fifth largest sector of foreign direct investment in North America. Therefore, leaders in Canada stay almost for 10 years. This ensures the political stability in Canada. Such stable political condition in Canada will give a good opportunity to Skycart to invest in drone manufacturing in this country. On the other hand, Drone Delivery Canada Corp is a popular drone manufacture in this country ( 2018). Thus, by making a joint venture with this organization Skycart will be able to accelerate their business in this country. As argued by Rutty et al. (2017), Canada government has some restriction on foreign inve stment as the foreign investors need to make a joint venture with the licensed organization otherwise they may face the legal issue. As commented by Moss et al. (2016), Canada government offers low taxes for the foreign investors. This will bring a good scope for Skycart to invest in Canda. Apart from this Canada government has given more opportunities to the drone manufacturer to in invest in this country as the government believes that drone will give a strong protection to this country from terrorist. This will be a great opportunity of Skycart to invest in this country. Legal factors Legal factors play an important role in influencing the foreign business in a country. However, Skycart needs to follow the Data Protection Law in Canada 2017 while applying drone for any purpose. This is a major need, which is required to fulfill by drone manufacturer. Incompliance with this Act may lead Skycart to face legal issue. Foreign investors in Canada need to follow AIEE or Agreement to Implement Employment Equity while going to start a joint venture business in this country. According to AIEE Act, the organizations who are involved in a joint venture program needs to pay $1M to the government as per the contract ( 2018). However, according to this policy, it does not matter how much each member of this joint venture contributes and how much profit is gained from this business. This policy may create an issue for Skycart while developing a joint venture business with Drone Delivery Canada Corp as they have to pay huge tax despite facing loss in their business. Hence, it can be said that Canada government offers low tax and the stable political environment are beneficial for Skycart to invest in this country. On the other hand, AIEE policy will bring some challenges for this organization. Technological factor Canada is considered as the most developing countries in terms of science and technology. Canadian people have much addiction towards the internet and most of the people use internet for their business purpose and education in this country (Jenkins 2017). As per the statistical data approx 28 million people in Canada focus on internet for their business and education purpose. This data ensures that Skycart will get a chance to use technology in their drone manufacturing process. However, drone is a technological innovation thus; to manufacture this product technological assistance is mandatory for Skycart. RFID technology or radio-frequency technology is popular in Canada. This Technology is used in warehouse drone (Tyler and Ingelson 2018). This will be a good opportunity for Skycart to improve the use of drone in manufacturing by utilizing RFID technology. Such technology is incorporated in drone for industrial use. In smart factory such latest technology is used in drone to carry out the industrial operation. By using such technology in drone Skycart will be able to improve the plant safety in many manufacturing organizations in Canada. RFID technology is used widely and most popular in U.S and Europe. In order to improve the efficiency of transport this technology is used in U.S and Europe. The development of RFID technology is occurred in U.S. Britain uses this technology in aircraft to improve the transportation process. However, Skycart will use this technology in their drone manufacturing in terms of inventory management. They will provide drone with RFID technology to the manu facturers to improve their tracking system in warehouse. Recommendations In order to improve the use of drone and manufacturing of drone in Canada a five step recommendations is provided in the context of Skycart. Canada government has given facility to the foreign investors to increase the drone manufacturing process in this country as drone helps to rescue the people and protect the country. However, drone is used to take picture of anyplace to measure the safety of a country. Hence, dissemination of the information is a big challenge of drone use. This may lead Skycart to face legal issue while entering Canada market. In order to deal with this issue Skycart needs to follow the Data Protection Act policy and rules of AIEE Act. This will help this organization to remove issues regarding the breach of confidentiality and the joint venture business. Implementation of this recommendation may face problem if sudden changes in government policy take place. This will alter the operation process of Skycart. This issue can be reduced by measuring the government stability in Canada. If the government is stable longer then the policy will not change. As a result, Skycart will carry out their drone man ufacturing business in this country without any legal obstacle. Finally from the above recommendation it has been found that by following this policy Skycart will be able to carry out their drone manufacturing business in Canada without any legal obligation. Drone is used to capture picture to ensure the safety of a location. However, often changing weather affects the work of drone technology. In order to reduce this issue Skaycart can introduce matternet one, which is a new type of drone. This drone is adjustable with weather condition and capture the picture easily. Drone often crashes, which is a major drawbacks of the implementation of new type of drone. This obstacle can be reduced by using obstacle avoidance strategy. By incorporating such obstacle avoidance feature in drone Skycary will be able to protect their new drone technology from crashing. Application of matternet drone will be an innovative approach for Skycart in Canada, which will beneficial for them to get high response in Canada market. Conclusion The above study focuses on the establishment of joint manufacturing in the context of Skycart. However, Skycart is going to start a partnership business with Drone Delivery Canada Corp. It has been received that Canadas political, economic and technological factors have a great impact on this foreign direct investment. Canadas stable political environment is good for Skycart to get easy entry in this country while inconsistency of the government policy will be a great challenge for this organization. Therefore, high GDP of Canada and technological innovation will be beneficial for Skycart to introduce their drone manufacturing business in this country. References Arku, G., 2014. Competition and cooperation in economic development: Examining the perceptions of practitioners in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Urban Affairs, 36(1), pp.99-118. 2018.Federal Contractors Program Joint Venture Suppliers IPG-086. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2018]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2018]. 2018.Canada - 1-Openness to, and Restriction on Foreign Investment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2018]. Jenkins, A., 2017. Canadas Innovation Agenda: The same old story? Or a new way forward?. Kim, S.J., Jeong, Y., Park, S., Ryu, K. and Oh, G., 2018. 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Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Pons, M., Steiger, R. and Vilella, M., 2017. Using ski industry response to climatic variability to assess climate change risk: An analogue study in Eastern Canada. Tourism Management,and marketing 58, pp.196-204. Tyler, M.E. and Ingelson, A., 2018. Sustainable Energy Mix+ Fragile Environments in Canadas Northern Coastal Zone: Is Technology Enough?. In Sustainable Energy Mix in Fragile Environments (pp. 163-181). Springer, Cham.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Photographer Gordon Parks

Biography One of the 20th century’s greatest photographers Gordon Parks was born in 1912 to the family of African-American farmers in Fort Scott, Kansas. Ever since his early years, Parks used to be exposed to racism, which partially explains why he could not obtain a formal college diploma.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Photographer Gordon Parks specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After the death of his mother in 1926, Parks was forced to move to Minneapolis, where he made a living by affiliating himself with a number of odd jobs, such as the job of a ‘porter boy’ in the town’s gentlemen-clubs. While working hard, in order to ensure his physical survival, Parks nevertheless proved himself resourceful enough to take an interest in many pursuits, which at the time were considered being solely reserved for White Americans, such as playing piano. Nevertheless, it was specifically Parks†™ budding fascination with photography, which had set him on the path of becoming one of the most socially prominent African-Americans of all times. In 1938, Parks purchased his first camera and started to apply an active effort in turning this fascination into the mean of supporting himself financially. Even though that initially, Parks strived to gain recognition as a fashion photographer, it is specifically by securing jobs with the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in 1939 (which provided him with the task to photograph the social effects of the Depression in America) that he was able to make himself a name. People started to regard him as being not only extremely talented but also a ‘visionary’ photographer. It is namely this particular phase of Parks’ professional career, which is now being commonly referred to as having been the most discursively significant. This is because, through the years of 1939-1942, Parks did not only succeed in photographing th e sheer scope of social injustices in America, but he also managed to expose many of these injustices, as such that had been reflective of the American society’s racial intolerance. In 1948, Parks became the first Black photographer, hired by Life magazine. While working for this magazine well into the sixties, Parks was able to make the photographic records of what accounted for the era’s most important socio-political developments – specifically those associated with the rise of the Civil Rights movement in America. It is specifically due to what were Parks’ professional activities, during the course of the earlier mentioned historical period, that we can now enjoy the exceptionally well-photographed images of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Mohammed Ali. Simultaneously, Parks was involved in a number of other intellectually stimulating activities, such as writing poetry/novels and composing music. His most well-known autobiographical novels include 1963 The Learning Tree and 1966 A Choice of Weapons.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ever since the early seventies, Parks also became involved with the movie-industry – the year of 1971 saw the release of Shaft (film), directed by Parks, which is now being discussed as such that originated a whole new cinematographic genre/style of blaxploitation. Throughout the course of the eighties, Parks directed a few documentaries, concerned with the Civil Rights movement, and composed the libretto to the opera Martin, dedicated to the memory of Martin Luther King. During his life’s latter stages, Parks continued to apply a great effort in promoting the concept of interracial tolerance in America, while coming up with public speeches, on behalf of America’s socially disadvantaged populations, which had won him a number of honorary awards from both: The Federal Governme nt and the country’s most prestigious universities. The world’s most famous African-American photographer died in 2006 from cancer (Mitchell, Martin-Hamon and Anderson 27). Examples of photographs The foremost feature of Parks’ photographs is the fact that, while being taken in an unmistakable realist manner, they emanate the strong spirit of humanism. The validity of this statement can be well explored in regards to probably the photographer’s most famous photo of Ella Watson (janitor) standing in front of the American flag inside of the FSA building. What is being particularly noteworthy about this photo is that it prompts onlookers to consider the possibility that, working as a janitor, was not the photographed woman’s ‘true calling’. The reason for this is apparent – Watson’s very appearance suggests that she happened to be a thoroughly intelligent woman. The fact that she is being depicted wearing glasses strengthen s this impression even further. Thus, while being exposed to this photo, people cannot help experiencing the sensation that there is something inheritably wrong about the situation with an intelligent Black woman working as a janitor, which in turn leads them to conclude that she must have been forced to stick with this job by some external circumstances. The American flag in the background symbolizes these external circumstances. Apparently, Parks wanted to emphasize that it was due to the policy of racial discrimination (which was enacted in America during the course of the thirties) that African-American women, such as Watson, could not even dream of a social advancement.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Photographer Gordon Parks specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The motif of racial discrimination is also contained in the Parks’ photo of two Black kids playing the doll of a White girl. There are two dis cursive aspects to this photo. First, the fact that Black children are being forced to play with this pale-skinned doll suggests that they were spared of an opportunity to play with a Black doll. The reason for this is simple – at the time when the above photo was taken (the late thirties), there were no dark-skinned dolls manufactured by the American toy industry. This is because, during the course of this period in American history, the country’s Blacks were not considered fully human, which is why they used to be encouraged to mimic the lifestyle of Whites – playing with White dolls, was meant to make Black children emotionally comfortable with their future status of second-class citizens. Second, the doll’s unemotional (cold) facial expression stands in a striking contrast to the facial expression of a Black kid on the left. This contrast’s symbolism is quite clear – apparently, Parks wanted to promote the idea that it is in White people ’s very nature to regard African-Americans inferior, which is why it is wrong to believe that Whites would be willing to treat brothers with dignity, unless they are being forced to do so out of fear. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to suggest that the objective value of Parks’ photographic masterpieces reflects the author’s tendency to expose racist injustices within the American society in a necessarily subtle manner. Quite on the contrary – Parks never skipped an opportunity to document even those instances of a racial discrimination in America that have been directly sponsored by the state. The photograph below validates the legitimacy of this suggestion. Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On it, we get to observe a Black girl drinking out of the water-fountain, designated ‘colored only’, with the water-fountain designated ‘white only’ being only a few inches away. Given the ‘poodle skirts’, worn by two Black ladies on the right, we can well assume that this photo must have been taken during the course of the fifties in one of the America’s Southern states, where the so-called ‘Jim Crow’ laws enjoyed the legislative legitimacy well into the early sixties. It is needless to mention, of course, that this photo can be well discussed in terms of a social commentary. It appears that Parks wanted to prompt contemporary Black onlookers to consider something that they have not been taught in schools, ran by White Bible-thumpers – namely, the fact they had very few reasons to remain loyal to the state, which was willing to go as far as denying their basic humanity, simply because they happened to have a dark ski n. Therefore, it is fully explainable why, as time went on; Parks was growing increasingly distanced from the idea that African-Americans simply had to continue applying an effort into trying to make Whites more racially tolerant, as Martin Luther King used to insist. Apparently, during the course of the sixties, it started to dawn upon Parks that, contrary to what King was suggesting, civil rights are not given but taken. In its turn, this explains why through the sixties Parks was becoming progressively fascinated with the Black Panther Party, in general, and with the character of Malcolm X, in particular. The fact that Parks used to spend long hours, while photographing the party’s political rallies, headed by Malcolm X, validates the full soundness of this suggestion. There can only a few doubts as to the fact that there is a strongly defined social commentary to the above photos, which can be summarized as follows: African-Americans have grown powerful enough to take a direct action against their oppressors. As these photos imply, such an eventual development occurred due to African-Americans having succeeded in making the traditional ‘instruments’ of White people’s racial domination (their efficiency in self-organization and their intellectual capabilities) to serve the purpose of Black people’s liberation. This is the subtle symbolism of Parks’ photos, which feature Black Panthers standing in columns and Malcolm X touching its temple with his finger. At the same time, however, it would be quite inappropriate to suggest that there are solely racial undertones to how Parks went about photographing the surrounding reality. Being a true humanist, Parks used to make a deliberate point in exposing the very essence of people’s existential anxieties – regardless of what happened to be the specifics of the photographed individuals’ racial affiliation. In this respect, the photo below is being espec ially illustrative. Even though that, formally speaking, this photo simply depicts three blood-related females (a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter) that live in the same household, it in fact encourages viewers to contemplate on the shortness of one’s life. This is because the depicted characters allow onlookers to have a three-dimensional glimpse into the process of aging. The photo’s humanist appeal is quite apparent – once people realize the shortness of their lives, they will be more likely to try to make these lives count, such as by the mean of contributing to the well-being of a community, for example. Personal reflections and reactions I personally have always been a great admirer of Gordon Parks. The rationale behind this suggestion can be summarized as follows: 1. Parks contributed substantially towards the process of African-Americans becoming the masters of their own destiny. It is not only that Parks succeeded in exposing the subtle and direct manifestations of White racism, which helped the brothers to adopt a proper approach, while addressing it, but his photographic masterpieces also resulted in prompting the representatives of socially underprivileged racial minorities in America to take a full advantage of their existential potential. One of the reasons for this is that, even though many of the depicted ‘colored’ characters in his photos appear to have suffered from poverty and racial discrimination, there is an unmistakable aura of a perceptual optimism to them. Hence, a subtle message, conveyed by most of the Parks’ photos – despite the fact that Blacks/minors do often experience social/racial oppression, they nevertheless possess something that their oppressors no longer have – a psychological and biological vitality. In this respect, Parks proved himself a true visionary – as of today, African-Americans have effectively ceased being ‘hunted’, while gradually assuming the role of ‘hunters’. The validity of this suggestion can be easily illustrated in regards to what account for the realities of today’s living in America, associated with the process of Whites growing progressively weakened, when it is being only the matter of time before they themselves become the representatives of the one of many of racial minorities in this country. 2. In his personal life, Parks never ceased acting as a humble and yet self-respectful individual, while never succumbing to bitterness even in times when the circumstances called for it. Being a stoic-minded person, Parks used to address life-challenges as a man, without allowing the hardships he used to experience to prevent him from remaining firmly committed to what he believed was the purpose of his life (Moskowitz 103). Parks felt thoroughly comfortable while socializing with both: Black gangsters, on the one hand, and with the America’s top-politicians, on the other. This o nce again suggests that there was nothing incidental about the fact that, despite his humble origins, Parks was able to overcome the seemingly impossible circumstances and to become one of the 20th century’s most influential African-Americans. Therefore, it would be thoroughly appropriate to refer to Parks as a truly inspirational figure, whose cultural legacy will continue to motivate African-Americans make the best out of their lives for generations to come. 3. Parks was a great humanist/intellectual. As it was noted earlier, many of the Parks’ photos are being concerned with promoting the idea that one’s life represents the highest value of all. At the same time, however, Parks never consider joining any of the organized religions in America – hence, proving himself a classical intellectual, capable of understanding that it is specifically people’s lack of education, which prompts them to search for â€Å"God† up in the clouds. Thus, it c an be well assumed that, throughout most of his life, Parks remained well ahead of its time. Therefore, it is fully explainable why the overwhelming majority of intellectually advanced Americans tend to refer to Parks in a particularly high regard – regardless of whether they happened to be Black or White. Thus, it will be fully appropriate, on my part, to conclude this paper by suggesting that, as time goes on, Parks’ cultural legacy will continue to affect the lives of more and more Americans – the very laws of a historical progress establish objective preconditions for this to be the case. Works Cited Mitchell, Kristina, Martin-Hamon, Amanda and Elissa Anderson. â€Å"A Choice of Weapons: Photographs of Gordon Parks.† Art Education 55.2 (2002): 25-32. Print. Moskowitz, Milton. â€Å"Gordon Parks: A Man for All Seasons.† The Journal of Blacks in  Higher Education 40.1 (2003): 102-104. Print. This essay on Photographer Gordon Parks was written and submitted by user Malik Leach to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN SAUDI ARABIA an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by

WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN SAUDI ARABIA Gender inequality is present in almost every aspect of human endeavorin education, employment, consumption of goods, political agency, and the ability to acquire property. These are just some of the areas that gender inequality may be observed, but regardless of the venue, it is almost always the female who is disadvantaged. Gender-inequality, hence, is tantamount to discrimination and oppression of women. Efforts to control the practice of discrimination have long been underway. Need essay sample on "WOMENS MOVEMENT IN SAUDI ARABIA" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed People Frequently Tell EssayLab specialists: How much do I have to pay someone to make my essay in time? Essay writers suggest: Ask Us To Write My Paper And Get Professional Help Cheap Writing Services Pay For Essay Reviews Cheapest Essay Writing Service Cheap Writing Service Reviews From the time of Khadija, the role of women in Islam has been evolving depending on how the social and religious leaders bestow treatment on them. To delve into the role and status of women in Islam poses great challenge, in that many different perspectives about the subject are fighting for equal consideration. Yet the only possible way to completely understand the lives of Muslim women is through the Quran, the source of Truth for the Muslims, which according to Asmas Barlas, serves as the essential nucleus of their religion (32). This Holy Scripture is both a religious guide for personal piety and the basis for the adherents practical and political behavior (Barlas 32). Quran does not separate religion from the secular. It encompasses all aspect of life, such that within the lines of the Suras is where one can essentially find the delegated place of women in Islam, as pronounced by the Prophet himself. The early Muslim women, for instance, were assigned a special role in which they were responsible for ensuring that their fellows in the society perform their religious duties. For Dr. Hassan al-Turabi, the role of the women of Islam is to discharge collective responsibilities though in many occasions they may be relieved from such tasks of family maintenance, attendance of group prayers and conscription for war if men can sufficiently attend to them. Nonetheless, the relative consideration towards women did not prevent many from actively participating in military services and public affairs, the prophets favourite wife, Sayidah Aishah, being one of these active women (Barlas, 2002). The women of Islam during those earlier days of religious conquest were both visible in the pursuit of public good and religious merits. The wise Prophet himself occasionally intercedes for women in the name of justice. During Jihad, the womens military participation includes bringing water to the thirsty warriors, treating the wounded and carrying them to safety. In some instances, women were even said to engage in the warfare themselves. When it comes to public affairs, they have their voice and were often consulted for further opinion. They were not segregated from such important gatherings as public meetings and festivals (al-Turrabi). Hence, women used to carry out important roles just like men, especially in the building of Islam. The eventual degradation of their statuses, which causes the current gender discrimination and seclusion, may be explained by the fact that the way women are treated now under Islam may not be the way they should be treated in reference to the foundation of Islamic faith. grave inequality that the non-Muslim world is now seeing is due to the intermingling of pre-Islamic ideologies that rest on patriarchy with Islam tenets. (Barlas, 2002). A survey conducted by Naseef Nassar of National Constitutions among Muslims Arab countries today revealed the three types of modern constitutional parameters concerning women (Haddad and Esposito 6). Amongst the traditional nations including Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Northern Yemen, women are confined to the roles of a wife and a mother, and her identity is said to depend on her familial relations. In the second cohort, composed of Syria, Southern Yemen, Algeria and Iraq, women of Islam must pursue the same traditional wife and motherly roles but they should be treated as educated and cultured individuals. Thus, women can work and become involved in political affairs. The third group from which Morocco and Egypt belongs grants the most liberal position to women, so that they can fulfil the multiple roles of being a wife and a mother as well as an active member of the community. As can be seen in the lifestyles of Muslim women in the third group, they lead dynamic lives as keepe rs of their homes yet with equal opportunities in the political, cultural, and economic realms. This is what social analysts now call the progressive view on the role of women in Islam. (Alarifi Pharaon, 2004). Women encounter inequalities in almost every aspect of their lives, and many of these are reinforced by the social structures and organizations in which they live. Though a great number of women have already proven that they have achieved equality in education there is still a larger group that incessantly encounter roadblocks to quality education. In fact, it may be the case that society is under-investing in the education of women, without realizing that the price for such negligence is slower economic growth, poverty, and poorer quality of life. A consensus among researchers who have studied the relationship between gender-equality in education and economic growth and development states that gender-equal education leads to better performing economies, which in turn, reinforces gender equality (Alarifi Pharaon, 2004). The nature of the women's citizenship rights in societies in Middle East results because of the4 built-in discrepancy in the different constitutions giving the rights to men and women as well as the different codes that define women. In Saudi Arabia, Muslim women are not permitted to drive although many say that these practices are totally unrelated to the origins of Islam, but based on cultural and traditional customs which have been injected to these societies. These deviations are the result of mans interpretation and applications of the Islamic teachings. Man and woman in Islam are not actually duplicates of one another but the complements. This division of labor allows the shortcomings of one sex which will be compensated by the strengths of the other. It is recognized that both sexes came from one source and therefore, enjoy the same status. There are differences in terms of beliefs as the how women originated and in a way, this has influenced the view of womens role. (Alarifi Pharaon, 2004). In Kay Ebelings The Failure of Feminism, she recounted her experiences as a single mother and the experiences of other contemporaries whom she believes are the victims of the feminist movement that failed. Today I see feminism as a Great Experiment That Failed, and the women in my generation, the perpetrators, are the casualties (Ebeling 2005). Ebelings account is true to some extent. The present condition of the women in her generation does not show any signs that the feminist movement succeeded in liberating women. They became single working mothers who only get a chance in blind dates that only make them realize how far men have gone ahead of them and how they could get away with having children and yet not having to bear the responsibility of childbearing (Ebeling). In conclusion, inaccuracies emerge and are perpetrated if we tend to accept everything without being judicious and vigilant. We appreciate the clarifications set forth by Muslim women and it helps in eliminating our ignorance. Westernized/modernized that we are, we must not consider ourselves superior simply because we embraced the progress made by globalization and technology. In fact, these are very tools we should maximize to widen our understanding and distill, from among the millions of images and information, which is which according to our own personal beliefs and experiences. REFERENCES Alarifi Pharaon, N. (2004). Saudi Women and the Muslim State in the Twenty-First Century. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. Volume: 51. Plenum Publishing Corporation. Barlas, A. Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Quran. Texas: Texas University. 2002. Ebeling, K.The Failure of Feminism. 80 Readings in Composition. Ed. David

Sunday, November 24, 2019

PHP Troubleshooting When Page Loads All White

PHP Troubleshooting When Page Loads All White You upload your PHP web page and go to view it. Instead of seeing what you expected, you see nothing. A blank screen (often white), no data, no error, no title, nothing. You view the source ... its blank. What happened? Missing Code The most common reason for a blank page  is that the script is missing a character. If you left out a   or } or ; somewhere, your PHP wont work. You dont get an error; you just get a blank screen. There is nothing more frustrating than looking through thousands of lines of code for the one missing semicolon that is messing the whole thing up. What can be done to correct and prevent this from happening? Turn on PHP Error Reporting. You can learn a lot about what is going wrong from the error messages PHP gives you. If you arent currently getting error messages, you should  turn on PHP error reporting.Test your code often. If you  test each piece as you add it, then when you encounter a problem, you know the specific section to troubleshoot. Itll be in whatever you just added or changed.Try a color-coded editor. A lot of PHP editors- even free ones- color code your PHP as you enter it. This helps you pick out lines that dont end  because youll have large chunks of code in the same color. Its non-intrusive for programmers who prefer to code with no bells and whistles but helpful when troubleshooting.Comment it out. One way to isolate the problem is to comment out large chunks of your code. Start at the top  and comment out all but the first couple of lines in a large block. Then echo () a test message for the section. If it echoes fine, the problem is in a section further dow n in the code. Move the start of your comment and your test echo downward as you work through your document, until you find the problem. If Your Site Uses Loops If you use loops in your code,  it could be that your page is stuck in a loop that never stops loading. You may have forgotten  to add  Ã‚  to the counter at the end of a loop, so the loop continues to run forever. You may have added it to the counter but then accidentally overwritten it at the start of the next loop, so you never gain any ground. One way to help you spot this is to  echo() the current counter number or other useful information at the beginning of each cycle. This way you might get a better idea of where the loop is tripping up. If Your Site Doesnt Use Loops Check that any HTML or Java you use on your page isnt causing a problem  and that any  included pages  are without error.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Postmodernism and Jean-Paul Sartre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Postmodernism and Jean-Paul Sartre - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism and Jean-Paul Sartre" discovers postmodernism. Before modernism, there was a very distinct line which separated humans from machines. However, increasing industrialization has transformed us into automatons without feelings. Death was not an abstract thing as long as people remained people and acknowledged the value of social relationships. Transition into mere objects can be explained by increased industrialization which has made human life increasingly mechanical. A mechanical lifestyle has made us â€Å"lose touch with the pulse of life†. Postmodernism has not only introduced us to an absence of social relationships because we have gone beyond that. We have also lost ourselves. Through No Exit, Sartre forwards this argument that we abuse the right to gaze at others so much that we restrict their freedom in addition to objectifying them. All three damned souls in the play also are so infuriated with each other’s gaze upon themselves that they desperately look for mirrors or anything that could help them avoid the burning effect of gaze. It is claimed that in a postmodern life, â€Å"reality itself—i.e., what we have conventionally understood as real—is in a process of disappearance†. In the past, people were considered human beings. Now, they are gazed upon as objects. People are judgmental and they view others as objects. Such is the culture found around the globe in the current postmodern era in which we witness â€Å"the disappearance of the human, the social, and the real† .