Sunday, February 23, 2020

Health Care Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Care Analysis - Essay Example nal environment; apart from this issue, the various stages of the implementation of the specific computer application will be also presented in this report (as analytically as possible). At the same time the advantages of this system and its overall impact on the performance of the East London Clinic but also on the development of the knowledge management of the health care sector will be explained. Any necessary modification made to the system prior to its implementation in the specific organization is identified and evaluated taking into account the characteristics of the particular industrial sector and the position of the firm within its industry. The Interactive Order System is among the computer applications that were implemented in the East London Clinic the last 2 years aiming to support the improvement of the services provided to clients and contribute to the limitation of the time required for the completion of various tasks. The implementation of the specific computer application was completed a month ago. Since then, despite the relatively short term, a significant improvement has been observed in the delivery of orders and the assignment of tasks to the doctors/ nurses across the Clinic. The specific system offers to the employees of the administrative department of the Clinic the ability to accept the orders quickly (by choosing among existed forms) and save the data received into easy to identify folders – the system provides a set of pre-structured choices (tasks/ categories) being adapted to the needs of each particular healthcare organization. One of the most important characteristics of this system is it s interactive feature – i.e. the ability offered to customers/ patients to communicate directly with the administrators in the Clinic placing their order for specific healthcare services. It is the specific feature that has helped towards the improvement of the performance of the East London Clinic (increase of the number of orders received,

Friday, February 7, 2020

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TERM PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TERM PAPER - Essay Example Although external factors have played a very crucial role in the current situation of GM Europe, still, the internal strengths of the company like recognition, state support, global operations, U.S. leadership and many others are making the company capable to avoid the threats of closure. The report also shows that the current opportunities in European market such as demands of fuel-efficient, small cars and green cars are some of the unexplored opportunities for GM Europe. The internal and external factor analysis shows that company is less responding to threats and opportunities than its average ability however, it is efficiently responding towards its strengths and weaknesses. The SPACE analysis shows that in consideration to the current position of GM Europe, company should adopt conservative strategies such as product development, market penetration. Such strategies will help the company to remain consistent in its revenues and to grow its market shares. During the last year, GM Europe has been planning different strategies however, finally in February 2010; the restructuring plan of the company has been announced. The report critically analyses all different alternatives presented by GM Europe throughout the year. Finally, selling the percentage of Opel Shares, downsizing, bottom cost cutting, development of green and fuel efficient cars have been considered as the most appropriate strategies for GM Europe. This report also shows the three years projections of GM Europe and it has been highlighted that in 2010 revenues of the company will go in negative, however, breakeven profit is expected in 2011 and positive profit is expected in 2012. The market shares of the company will also grow during this period and costs such as manufacturing costs, fuel costs will be reduced because they are the major parts of restructuring plan. Therefore, GM Europe survival is