Monday, June 8, 2020

Climate Change Research Papers How Will it Affect You

Climate Change Research Papers: How Will it Affect You?As far as researchers are concerned, the threat of climate change is always present, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes so catastrophic that we all have to start worrying about it. Because of this, a number of excellent research papers have been published recently, and they point towards an increasingly dangerous future.Most of the recent papers deal with the topic of sea level rise, and those that focus on the north, deal with the potential for increased frequency of extreme heat waves, storm surges, and other forms of flooding. These issues will continue to develop, and we need to make sure that we do everything we can to prepare for them as soon as possible. This is especially true if you live in coastal areas.One recent paper by the German Institute for Economic Research suggests that as global temperatures rise, so too will the amount of acid in the oceans. This is because as water warms up, the dissolved mine rals get more likely to dissolve into the water, rather than being dissolved back out by the water's evaporation. This results in an increase in the acidity levels, which will not be desirable for human health or for the marine life that lives in the seas. They also point out that there is already enough acid in the oceans to cause many diseases and illnesses.The good news is that most of the acid is neutralized by the weathering process, but there are a number of isolated areas that may still be affected, though scientists haven't pinpointed which are which yet. In any case, this is just one paper in a long line of climate change research papers that can change our lives and the planet. It is therefore important to understand the potential impacts and take steps to minimize them.Another paper points to how food production will be affected. In areas of high acidity, the growth rate of fish will be affected. Some regions may be more affected than others, though it is likely that a ma ssive shift in food production will occur as a result.A new paper by the University of Leicester suggests that the coastal zone may also be affected by rising acidity levels. This will result in a reduction in shell building by corals, which can lead to serious consequences. The quantity of these shells will also be reduced in other ways, with certain types decreasing in both quantity and quality.A third new paper shows how the growth rate of coral reefs can be affected by temperature and that many varieties will disappear if temperatures rise more than two degrees. To say the least, this is a serious issue. While the level of risk we currently face may seem far less than the total amount of damage, it is still a concern and we need to act now.When looking at the many aspects of climate change, there is no doubt that there is an increasing risk of food riots and mass starvation in developed countries like the United States, but for the rest of the world, the effects are a concern as well, and we need to act now. The world must tackle climate change as soon as possible, and we can achieve this through common sense and awareness. Without action, we will all suffer from a loss of livelihood, and the risk of a total collapse of the global economy.

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