Friday, May 15, 2020

Structure-Agency Debate The Dirty Work of Democracy by...

This essay will be focusing on the structure-agency debate and the application of this debate to the sociological reading The Dirty Work of Democracy: a year on the streets with the SAPS (2005) by Antony Atlebeker. This easy will demonstrate how the structure-agency debate can help explain Captain Louis De Kosters attitudes towards police work and his actions. The argument I will be putting forward is in support of Anthony Giddens’ Structuration Theory (1984). I will prove this argument by referring to various sociological readings mainly The Dirty Work of Democracy: a year on the streets with the SAPS by Antony Atlebeker (2005) and Sociological Cambridge 2nd Edition by Anthony Giddens. Within the structure-agency debate, there are two†¦show more content†¦It is clearly apparent that Captain Louis De Kosters overall general attitude towards his work as a police officer is one of disenchantment, â€Å"disillusionment with policing as a career† and de-motivation (Atlebeker; 2005: 176). His de-motivation is revealed by the fact that he goes to work but does not â€Å"do [his job] like [he] used to†, as his commitment for being a police officer is no longer present. Whilst his disenchantment with his role as a police officer is obvious in his belief that his career is over, as white captains no longer achieve promotions (Atlebeker; 2005: 173). Captain Louis De Kosters actions reflect his attitudes of de-motivation, disenchantment and disillusionment. This is evident in his approach of bullying his suspects â€Å"with the authority of the law†. As he is aware that the community he serves will not voluntarily help the police force. Consequent ly he feels even more unwelcome and unwanted (Atlebeker; 2005: 172,176) In addition to the fact that Captain Louis De Kosters attitude greatly influences his actions. The social system of Apartheid specifically the thinking of separatism still remains evident in how Koster separates himself from the black community by referring to them as â€Å"you people† (Atlebeker; 2005: 171). In view of the fact that the community which Koster serves perceives his role as a police officer as corrupt or negative influences his hostility towards them, which is demonstrated in his

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