Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Operation Management in the Hot Rolling Production Line

Question: Discuss about the Operation Management in the Hot Rolling Production Line. Answer: Introduction Operation management is both and art and science which is used to enable the conversion of the raw materials into finished goods that are ready for the customers use. The reason it is an art and science is because utilizes both the personal knowledge about production and the learned knowledge (Miller, 2012). The hot rolling production line aims at converting metal into various products by use of the temperature. Initially, the human beings had no knowledge of using machines to makes products from iron but they used their skills which represent the element of art to produce various metal items (Supekar, Clarens, Stephenson, and Skerlos, 2012, pp.2652-2658). However, due to technological changes, new methods have been developed which are used to convert metal or steel into various commodities for sales. The methods include melting of temperatures under temperatures to make it into items of one's choice (Bertuglia, Fischer, Preto, 2012). The operational manager is responsible for managing and overseeing execution all the activities to ensure required results are reached to satisfy the customer needs. He plans activities that the firm will be engaged in producing. It is important for the purpose of any firm to be known before the commencement of business (Hill, A. and Hill, T., 2012).People and machines to do the activities are identified to help in execution activities and meet set deadlines. He organizes how things are done, directs the production of products and eventually controls the extent to their execution of activities. All these processes ensure the goals and objectives of the organization are achieved. Metal is used for various activities like vehicle manufacture, making household items like chairs, tables, doors and windows, aircraft and boat manufacturer among many other products (Nordberg, Fowler, and Nordberg, 2014). The hot rolling production line deals with metals with temperatures higher the recrystallization temperatures to produce a variety of metal products (Dixit, and Dixit, 2008).The products have a long life and are recommended by many people. Rolling aims in reducing the thickness of metals to products items of various sizes by passing it through rolls under different exposure to temperature. The metals are made to have a thickness which is uniform thus ensuring same products are identical and attractive to customers (Melville, 2010, pp.1-21). In the operation management, there are many things which are done by the managers. Forecasting of future demands is identified to ensure that the levels of production are regulated and there is no surplus or deficit. The quality is checked in this level of different manufactured items and the managers' helps to check conformity to the customers' needs (Zurich, 2017). The level of stock is monitored at this stage and the optimal level is maintained for convenience in the production process. The employees in this are faced with a hard working environment as the work requires energy and accidents are high. Managers have the duty to motivate the employees to have morale in job execution process (Nordin, Deros, Wahab, 2010, pp.374). All industries are faced with many challenges which must be put into consideration by managers as they aid in achieving the business goals (Manley, Anastas, Cue, 2008, pp.743-750).The steel or metal sector has many challenges such as high costs of the raw materials making the profit margin below. Technological changes which can render a company outdated when not put into consideration (Orlikowski, 2009). The company may produce products that do not meet the demands of customer thus lack market for its goods. The customers have high tastes and preferences in terms of quality and the services that a firm offers to them (Skerlos, Hayes, Clarens, Zhao, 2008, pp.180-202). These makes the business incur cost in research and other ways to make customers happy. Environmental issues also have brought restrictions on the industry as laws have been set up to protect the environment from pollution. Business going against the laws means huge fines from legal actions or their closure (Trkman, 2010, pp.125-134). Finally, it is true that metalworking is an art and science which is gaining popularity among the people as it produces quality items (Saha, Donofrio, and Bagley, 2010, pp.843-848). The metal items are increasing developed as they are durable and can be used in almost all areas of operation. These sector has provided a lot of work for both skilled and non-skilled employees hence improving people living standards. The metal industry is competitive as there are numerous changes and firms needs to have competitive advantages over the competitors for survival (Nergaard et al. 2009, pp.125-146). Managers must be creative and innovative to come up with unique products or apply strategies like blue ocean strategy to attract more customers' or eliminate competition in the market (Buisson, Silberzahn, 2010, pp.359-378). References Bertuglia, C. S., Fischer, M. M., Preto, G. (Eds.). (2012).Technological change, economic development and space. Springer Science Business Media. Buisson, B., Silberzahn, P. (2010). Blue Ocean or fast-second innovation? A Four-breakthrough model to explain successful market domination.International Journal of Innovation Management,14(03), 359-378. 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